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On this page, we will explain how to contribute to this documentation. This documentation is created using docusaurus, a static-site generator built with react & mdx! You don't need to know anything about React to contribute, only markdown & a little bit of HTML is required!

The repository of this documentation is hosted on github:

You can create a pull request to contribute to the documentation, but be aware that it may be rejected because of the rules! All the rules & tips can be found in this page!


The documentation is structured into different parts. The only parts that contributors should edit are the following ones: All other files are reserved for the admins from this documentation!

  • ./docs/ (documentation)
  • ./src/pages/ (extra pages, like this one)
  • ./blog/ (the blog)

Here you can find even more info about the different parts:

User Docs./docs/docs/The main/general documentation. It's for normal users, please explain everything as clearly as possible!
Developer Docs./docs/developer/The developer documentation. This is for developers only, you can write a little bit more technical in here!
API Reference./docs/api/The API reference for plugins. Try to use as little text as possible & put links to definitions if possible!
Plugin List./docs/plugin/The plugin list. Here you can discover plugins! Contributors are only allowed to add plugins to the other category!
Blog./blog/The official blog. You are allowed to create your own articles, but please ask it before doing so!
Custom Pages./src/pages/Custom pages. These include "this page", the home page & some other ones. Don't edit anything here except if it's really needed!

Sidebar, Titles & Page Structure

Try to follow the style of the other pages when it comes to naming & styling. For Example: only add an emoji if pages in the same category have an emoji!

Don't use heading level 1, 4, 5 & 6 in pages. This is because they don't show up in the table of contents & they are most of the time too large or too small! Here is an example of how a page should look like:

title: The Page Title
description: The Page Description
keywords: [keyword_a, keyword_b, keyword_c] //page keywords (SEO)
sidebar_position: 1 //(optional) position in sidebar
//import custom components
import {ColorText,LabelText,GoodImage,LinkBlock,InlineLink,FlexHorizontal} from "@site/src/components/openticket.jsx"

//short description of what this page is about
Lorem Ipsum

## First Category \{#custom-id} //the first large heading
Some content here

### Subcategory //a small subcategory
Some extra content here

### Subcategory //a small subcategory
Some extra content here

## Second Category \{#custom-id} //the second large heading
Some content here

### Subcategory //a small subcategory
Some extra content here

### Subcategory //a small subcategory
Some extra content here

## Third Category \{#custom-id} //the third large heading
Some content here

### Subcategory //a small subcategory
Some extra content here

### Subcategory //a small subcategory
Some extra content here

Markdown & Styling

There is a lot of styling available, here we will list some examples! If you want to use one of these examples, check this page out in the github repository!

I'm normal text
I'm bold text
I'm italic text
I'm code text

There are also a lot of colors. They can be created using the <ColorText color="..."> component! Try to use colors in combination with bold text for better visibility!

ColorUsage (as text)
red✅ Use this on very important text!
orange✅ Use this on less important text!
yellow❌ Don't use this! It looks a lot like hyperlinks!
green✅ Use this for tips & tricks!
cyan⚠️ This color doesn't have a use case yet!
blue✅ Use this for things that are nice to know!
purple⚠️ This color doesn't have a use case yet!
pink⚠️ This color doesn't have a use case yet!
black❌ Don't use this! It is invisible on most pages!
gray✅ Use this for small details that nobody needs!
brown⚠️ This color doesn't have a use case yet!
ColorUsage (as label)
red✅ Used for api.json & API types
orange✅ Used for API class/object properties
yellow✅ Used for API enums
green✅ Used for transcriptconfig.json & API functions
cyan✅ Used for API globals
blue✅ Used for config.json & API classes
purple✅ Used for API events
pink✅ Used for API parameters
black⚠️ This color doesn't have a use case yet!
gray⚠️ This color doesn't have a use case yet!
brown⚠️ This color doesn't have a use case yet!

When displaying large amounts of data, you can use lists & tables like these:

Normal List

  • Data A
    • Data A.1
    • Data A.2
  • Data B
    • Data B.1
    • Data B.2
  • Data C
    • Data C.1
    • Data C.2

Numbered List

  1. Data A
    1. Data A.1
    2. Data A.2
  2. Data B
    1. Data B.1
    2. Data B.2
  3. Data C
    1. Data C.1
    2. Data C.2

Mixed List

  1. Data A
    • Data A.1
    • Data A.2
  2. Data B
    • Data B.1
    • Data B.2
  3. Data C
    • Data C.1
    • Data C.2

Checkbox List

  • Data A
    • Data A.1
    • Data A.2
  • Data B
    • Data B.1
    • Data B.2
  • Data C
    • Data C.1
    • Data C.2

Horizontal Table

Column 1Column 2Column 3
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3

Vertical Table

Row 1Column 1Column 2Column 3
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4

Code Blocks

There are also code blocks! You can use them to show data with a little bit syntax-highlighting! You can customise the language, title & line numbering!

"hey":"Hello World!"
//this is coooooool!
const a = 1
const b = 2
const c = a+b
console.log("hello world",c)
+ something cool
+ very small features
+ a rickroll

- boring stuff
- old stuff


Admonitions are special notes that deserve extra attention! You can put any other markdown inside of them (so you can see them as a sort of container)

your custom title here

This is the tip admonition! Use it for giving tips to users!

your custom title here

This is the warning admonition! Use it for something very important!

your custom title here

This is the danger admonition! Use it for something that is so important that you absolutely need to see it!

your custom title here

This is the info admonition! Use it for something that deservers attention, but isn't important!

your custom title here

This is the note admonition! This admonition is rarely used! (An alternative for the info admonition)

Content & Readability

  • ✅ All text on the wiki needs to be in English.
  • ✅ Don't make the page to short, but also don't make it to long.
  • ✅ Use Admonitions only when really needed! Most of the time, you can also just use colored text!
  • ✅ Check your text for grammatical errors before uploading!
  • ✅ When you write an article in the blog, make sure it's linked to your name!

And thats it! For more questions, visit our discord server!